
Dealer’s Due Diligence

In today’s business culture, sales is one of the most competitive field. B2B2G business and tender sales could be a big deal but it’s always a great challenge. To succeed in tender sales, one must understand local regulation, manage a distributor, adopt an offer to many stakeholders whose interests are most time controversial.

Sales support

The revenue is the aqua viva – the lifeblood of the organization. That’s why all our services are very targeted for your sales and your revenue. You don’t need to take hard decision of hiring a new manager, opening a new department, placing a heavy burden on social responsibilities and taxes. Using outsourcing you can focus just on what your business really needs at this moment.

Distributors’ management

In BrainMed we’re managing all steps of the sales process at B2B2G market. With our services you will be confident that all potential tenders are in focus, the assigned dealer manager is on track with sales goals and the bid is well-prepared. If any issues within the bidding process happens we provide your dealers assistant and argue at FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service). As a result you will get the detailed report of the bidding procedure.