BrainMed – is the business development outsourcing for MedTech. We provide front-office and back-office services for MedTech companies focusing on B2B2G market. Our sales, distributor management, medical affairs and marketing outsourcing supports to reach company’s sales targets and sustainable growth.

We’re managing all steps of the sales process at B2B2G markets. With our services you will be confident that all potential tenders are in focus, the assigned dealer manager is on track with sales goals and the bid is well-prepared
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Use BrainMed service to develop strategy and activities to ensure that your product fits the local clinical environment and adequately priced in a specific health system. We will help you navigate through the challenges of reimbursement and funding for medical devices.
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Our marketing services have the main goal – to support your sales. That’s why we defined only the most essential functions of medical device B2B2G marketing so we can reach the result together with you. Reach your sales goals with the Product Launch Plan, Promotion Plan, Medical Blogging our MICE assistance
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Our Mission is to increase accessibility of best-in-class medical devices supporting vendors and dealers with evidence-based business development consulting and outsourcing.

Developing and implementing the strategy we work hand in hand with companies at all stages reaching the sales targets. We understand how sales and margin targets are important therefore our services are focused on profits and sales making all possible efforts for products reselling and stable commercial growth.

We’ve developed our services based on the principle of maximum functionality and evidence-based management. Over years we have defined the most high-runner business processes and could offer you the most essential ones, attracting the most trusted professionals and using all the knowledge and resources available.

BrainMed is happy to collaborate with partners specialized at MedTech area whose products or services could add value to the healthcare practitioners and patients. BrainMed – is your guide on medical device sales.


+38 161 658 72 86

Our main focus are Eastern Europe, Balkan and CIS countries
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We work with heavy medical equipment, Implantables, single-use devices, software
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Our work is focused but not limited oncology, radiology, radiotherapy, cardiology, endovascular, digital healthcare markets
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Learn our unique sales preposition and how you can reach sales results with our outsourcing services
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Learn our approach and experience from scientific publications and white papers
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Our managers are active members of scientific societies and practitioners. We are helping our customers to fit local regulatory through the best marketing excellence for the outstanding commercial results
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Learn more about our partners whose products or services add value to your business
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Learn more about our team members and experts
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Think we could reach the ideal network together? Contact us to send your ideas and resume
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Medical Device News

Learn how latest healthcare changes in Russia&CIS influence medical device market

Ultrasound-Equipped Bra Monitors for Breast Cancer

Researchers at MIT have developed a wearable ultrasound system that is intended to allow women at high risk of breast […]

Anuncia announces first implantation of ReFlow device

Anuncia Medical has announced the first successful implantation of its recently launched second-generation ReFlow Mini Flusher device. The post Anuncia […]

Soft Coating Cools Wearable Devices

Scientists at the City University of Hong Kong have developed a coating for wearable technologies that can help to dissipate […]

Latest Blog Posts

Learn more about our Expertise, Tips&Tricks, Marketing&Sales Tools we are using


Most of you know that work in a condition of falling margins is tough. Margins are falling in all markets. […]

A big distributor: a rescue or a headache?

Most distributors provide strong manpower and cash support to the vendor’s promotional efforts. They usually also provide a range of […]

Top criteria that your medical product is suffering from technological obsolescence

If you’re sure you have a great product but it’s sales results don’t satisfy you this could be because the […]

How to demonstrate product value for medical device?

Every marketer knows that “Product” is the key point of Marketing Mix or “4P” as we call it. Through product […]

+38 161 658 72 86


We bear the responciblity for the result. Together with you we implement the strategy, work hand in hand at all stages, until your product becomes available for the customer.
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We understand how imprtant the sales is. Therefore, all our services are focused on the main goal — making sales of medical devices and making all possible efforts for its reselling and stable commercial growth.
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We’ve developed our services based on the principle of maximum functionality. Over years at medical device companies, we have defined business areas most often need to be strengthened. Therefore, we offer you only the most necessary services, attracting the most trusted professionals and using all the knowledge and resources available
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