Medical Devices

MedTech industry is extensive. According to WHO there are about 10,000 types of medical devices, and more than 500,000 different products commercially available.

All of them have different sales life cycle and costs, need different approach to marketing, distribution, promotion, required post-sale service and education.

Because of all these we are focused only on the following types of medical devices to achieve the best commercial results together with you:

Heavy Medical Equipment and spare parts

These medical devices require installation, maintenance, calibration, consumables, spare parts. Their design, evaluation, procurement, planning, training, maintenance and decommissioning usually done by biomedical engineers.
Life cycle: long.
Price: $$$-$$$$$
Post-sale: include service&maintenance which is associated with customer satisfaction, influence on pricing.
Examples: linac, brachytherapy, CT-machine, X-ray etc.


These devices require good clinician education. The registration process could be long and clinical stidies expensive. Clinical marketing and scientific publications are core promotional tools and could be resource-consuming while stuff should be very professional.
Life cycle: medium or long
Price: $$$-$$$$$
Post-sale: Education and patient monitoring
Examples: prothesis, pacemakers, stents.

Single use devices

These devices could be easy to use but hard for promotion. Small things do matter. Ergonomics and compatibility are those features that attract customers. Sometimes a customer could be not a doctor but a nurse or a patient.
Life cycle: short
Price: $-$$$
Post-sale: don’t need much.
Examples: catheters, syringes, needles.

Software, apps, AI, blockchain, IoT etc

These devices don’t require stock but need post-sales regular application and upgrade. Regulation in Russia is changing right at the moment. It’s difficult sometimes to demonstrate features and benefits due to impalpability. Health Technology Assessment could become a challenge.
Life cycle: short or long
Price: $$-$$$$$
Post-sale: regular application, assistant and upgrade.
Examples: AI in radiology.