Medical Affairs

Medical Affairs roles are there to provide scientific and clinical support for commercial products. Medical Affairs is the medical face of the company. Our value lies in their scientific and clinical expertise. We have strong relationships with communities and academic and it allows information to flow freely between the medical community and the organisation and because it’s remit is positioned outside of commercial activities.


Use BrainMed service to develop strategy and activities to ensure that your product fits the local clinical environment and adequately priced in a specific health system.

Clinical Trainings

The primary purpose of a training plan for a new medical device product launch is to establish a training program for a distributor’s sales stuff, customer service and support staff on the new product. This ensures they are equipped to help customers evaluate, install, troubleshoot, and maintain the equipment.

Clinical Visits

Clinical visits play a core role in promotion of medical devices to healthcare practitioners. Ordering Clinical visit service you can be sure that all features and benefits of your product would be delivered to the customer.

KOLs Database

Find relevant experts and organizations on highly targeted characteristics such as specific research attributes, seniority, clinical trial involvement, past industry collaborations, geographic location.