Medical devices for oncology – changes in reimbursement in Russia expected

NEWS: Medical devices for oncology – changes in reimbursement in Russia expected

Clinical guidelines for oncology were finally approved in Russia. The Association of oncologists of Russia (AOR) has approved 67 developed clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer. New CSGs (clinical-statistical groups – approach used for tariffication and reimbursement) are now to be developed in accordance with these guidelines.

Clinical guidelines have also become mandatory for the compilation of clinical statistical groups (CSG). By the beginning of 2019, the CSG Handbook contained 607 treatment regimens for the cancer profile and has remained virtually unchanged since then. Now the data will be adjusted to reflect the updated guidelines.

To be included into government procurement list (which 90% of oncology medical device sales) medical device should match clinical guidelines for medical treatment and tariff regimens (CSG) for medical procedure. Some medical devices are also regulated by #915n Medical Order where the requirements for oncology hospital infrastructure and equipment specified.

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