NEWS: Equipping changing: medical ventilators and retroscopes included, systems for immunohistochemical studies excluded

The Ministry of health of the Russian Federation intends to include artificial lung ventilation (ventilators) and rectoscopes in the list of re-equipment of cancer clinics under the national project “Healthcare”. Systems for immunohistochemical studies will be excluded from the list due to their lack of demand.

In the draft amendments to the order of the MoH of RF dated February 12, 2019 No. 56n, instead of the antibody panel for immunohistochemical studies and the corresponding detection system, it is proposed to include ventilators with different ventilation modes and automatic alarm activation, as well as a rectoscope with a fiber light guide.

If approved, the amendments to the order will come into force on January 1, 2021.

Russian made medical ventilators:

– LTD “Firma Tryton-Electronyx” (ООО «Фирма Тритон-Электроникс»),
– JV “Ural facility” (part of Rostech Government Corporation) (АО «Уральский приборостроительный завод»,
– Group of companies “Axion” («Концерн «Аксион»).

Russian made Rectoscopes with a fiber light guide:

– LTD “NPF Quartz” (ООО «НПФ «Кварц»),
– OJSC “Optic medical devices Optimed” (ОАО «Оптические медицинские приборы «Оптимед»);
– LTD “NPK Krasmedtech” (ООО «НПК «Красмедтех»).
