HTA conference

NEWS: VII HTA conference

VII HTA conference was held in Moscow 7 October 2020

The VII International conference “Health Technology Assessment” was held in Moscow on October 7. Healthcare is one of the most innovative sectors of the social sphere. Every year, new medicines, medical devices, and technologies are being developed to provide better medical care, improve the quality of life, and make medical care more accessible to the patient.

In the Russian healthcare system, the introduction of innovative methods of treatment is rather sluggish, since it often requires revision of both the organization of the treatment process and a large volume of regulatory documents.

The current system of financing medical care in Russia through the program of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens is not always able to respond adequately and promptly to innovations and does not create appropriate economic incentives for introducing innovations in medical practice.

The conference discussed important issues of interaction between MedTech manufacturers and public healthcare – mechanisms for financial incentives for medical organizations within the framework of the state guarantee program that allow fair and transparent promotion of innovations in healthcare.

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