
Stomatology device market could decrease by 17,5%

According to experts, in 2020, the natural volume of the market will decrease by 17.5% compared to the previous year.

If in 2019 the volume of the dental services market in absolute terms amounted to 271.1 million admissions, this figure in 2020 due to the coronavirus epidemic may decrease to 223.7 million admissions. In the following years, the figure will increase again and will fluctuate at the level of 246-249 million admissions. In 2024, the market volume will be 248.9 million units, which is 8.2% less than in 2019.

In 2019, 186.7 million dental appointments (68.9%) were paid for from the MHI Fund, while the remaining services (84.4 million or 31.1%) were provided on a commercial basis. In 2018, the share of services by type of payment was approximately the same-69% and 31%, respectively.

In early April 2020, dental practice was included in the list of the most affected sectors of the economy by the coronavirus pandemic.

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