NEWS: National Genetic Database

A national database of genetic information will be created in Russia. The genetic center based on the Kurchatov Institute will collect and digitize genetic information, as well as real collections of biological samples.

Сurrently, there are about 80 “disparate” bioresource collections in Russia, which need to be centralized and brought to a unified order of replenishment and use.

“Kurchatov Institute”, on the basis of which the national database of genetic information will be formed, is the main organization for the development of genetic technologies until 2027.

It is planned to allocate 127 billion rubles for the implementation of the program until 2027.

The program provides for the creation of centers for genomic research, and by 2024, three such centers should be organized for 11.2 billion rubles.

Russian genetic companies


The pioneer in the field of genetic tests in Russia is Genotek, founded in 2010.The company offers to pass one of five thematic tests: “Health and longevity”, “child Planning”, “Diet and fitness”, “Talents and sports”, “Genealogy”.


Atlas biomedical holding offers to pass one test in five areas: health, nutrition, sports, origin and personal qualities. In total, the test evaluates 300 health indicators, 40 indicators on nutrition and sports, 55 personal qualities and a history of ethnic origin. The cost of the test also includes a free consultation with a geneticist.

Now Atlas is considered the flagship of personalized medicine, and so far it is the most popular company on the market of genetic tests in Russia.


MyGenetics Company operates on the territory of the Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. The diagnostic results are based on data from the US National center for biotechnological information, the European Food4Me research consortium, Stanford University, and other global laboratories. DNA analysis is performed at the Institute of chemical biology and fundamental medicine SB RAS. The research is conducted by the company “Genoanalitika”, which is located in the Scientific Park of the Lomonosov Moscow state University. The company makes a genetic test as part of one of three research packages: monogenic diseases, two studies, and a “Complete genetic passport” of five studies, or for each of the directions separately.