All you need to get the solution are these 3 questions.

People often wonder how to find a solution that is appropriate for this particular situation. It turns out that you only need to ask yourself three questions

Before starts to solve the problem you must turn a problem into a question. It is first rule and this very important. The right question is a half way to the right solution.

You can use any method, for example – Method of Automatic Writing. The essence of this method consists in the following: you have to take pure piece of paper and write question. For example: «How can I increase sales in my company?». After that you must write all ideas which occurs in your head even the most stupid. Don’t worry about it. You have to write quickly as possible. This method can take 1-2 hours. It depends on you and your situation. This method gives the opportunity to be outside of the workings of your mind.

Next step that will help you to find a solution to any problem is to convert a problem into tasks. What about task? We do know that every task has a solution. And when we use the word «task» our brain begins to find a solution. People are more like to solve tasks than the problem. And every time when problem occurs just turn it into the question and then tasks.

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